(What is From the Field? Click here to read the intro for this latest segment to our student blog series!) Reflecting on my time in Ecuador is like reopening a favorite book or having a conversation with a friend that you haven’t seen in forever. We were only there for a week, but that time was so rich, each […]

(What is From the Field? Click here to read the intro for this latest segment to our student blog series!) I am going to be completely upfront with everyone, before this trip Ecuador wasn’t a place on my travel bucket list. I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel around the globe and see […]

  I am pleased to introduce a long-awaited segment for our student blog series, From the Field!  Why long awaited, you may ask?  The seeds for the experiences shared in these upcoming blog posts stretch back to 2018 and involved, unsurprisingly, a pandemic delay. In February 2018 I traveled to Quito Ecuador in my then role […]

(This post is the next in Readings in Reconciliation.  Click to learn more about the segment and the series, From the Field.) COVID-19 has existed for only two years, yet has already changed the world insurmountably. The novel virus has disrupted global markets, shaken political institutions, and transformed social structures. Certainly, no country will ever be quite the […]

  (This post is the next in Readings in Reconciliation.  Click to learn more about the segment and the series, From the Field.)   The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed much about the world’s current trajectory. It has also revealed the opportunity we have to ensure a bright future. But will we take it? Will we learn the lessons […]

  (This post is the next in Readings in Reconciliation.  Click to learn more about the segment and the series, From the Field.) There are many flaws in the human systems we have created. Those flaws act as indicators of when we need to diverge from normality and be intentional about what kind of change we need. Although […]

  (This post is the first of a set on Fareed Zakaria’s Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World.  Click to learn more about the segment and the series, From the Field.) As I worked with colleagues to select books for the capstone this past fall, it seemed fitting that we should include an analysis related to our global […]

  (This post offers the a second student analysis of Twilight of Democracy. Click to learn more about the segment and the series, From the Field.) Historian Anne Applebaum takes her readers to a society on the brink in her latest work Twilight of Democracy. Society, according to Applebaum, is on the brink of becoming more authoritarian and straying from […]

(This post is the next in the segment Readings in Reconciliation and focuses on Adam Grant’s Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know.   Click to learn more about the segment and the series, From the Field. Note: this segment ran in the fall, but we have added some additional posts as a result of student […]

(This post offers the a second student analysis of Twilight of Democracy. Click to learn more about the segment and the series, From the Field.) In a time where our government seeks to promote democracy across the world, Twilight of Democracy is a warning not to forget about protecting domestic democracy. In this book, author Anne Applebaum informs readers […]

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