11/10/21 Wednesday EdTech Update!

Calendar iconUpcoming New Quizzes Workshop

On January 1st, Messiah will be enabling New Quizzes for all courses. Classic Quizzes are on their way out.

Want to get an overview and some guidance on using New Quizzes with the Dynamic Duo? Pop into our final New Quizzes workshop of the semester: Wednesday, November 17, at 12:20 pm. For Zoom meetings, use the same meeting link and password as Instructional Design Office HoursNo RSVP necessary.

Not able to make it? You can check out our recording of a past session on the Canvas: Exams/Quizzes blog page.

Not sure if you’re already using New Quizzes? You can tell if your quiz is a “Classic Quiz” or a “New Quiz” by the quiz icon in Canvas. The rocket ship outline is a Classic Quiz and the solid rocket ship is a New Quiz.

screenshot showing the difference in icons between new quizzes and classic quizzes

Canvas icon with update bannerChange Submission Status in Speedgrader

Previously, in order to label a submission as “late,” “missing,” or “excused,” you had to go to the gradebook. Now, you can set that submission status right from within Speedgrader! Simply click on the icon of a pencil beside the “Submitted:” heading in the top right.

Screenshot showing location of dropdown menu to change assignment status

Canvas icon with update bannerEdit Course-Level Notifications All in One Place

Sometimes you want different notification preferences for different courses/Canvas sites. Now, you no longer have to go into each course to edit those preferences; you can set all preferences from Account > Notifications.

screenshot showing location of dropdown for notifications settings by course

logo for instructional design dynamic duoThis message is brought to you by the Instructional Design Dynamic Duo

Rocky Allinger & Cindi Kerns
callinger@messiah.edu | ckerns@messiah.edu
Instructional Design Office Hours | ITS Helpdesk Blog