08/17/22 Wednesday EdTech Update!

folder iconBeginning of the Semester Resources

Need to update your Canvas dashboard? Publish your course? Open your course early? Find answers to these questions and more in our “Beginning of the Semester Resources” blog article.

chalkboard that says the Instructional Designers are inInstructional Design Office Hours for Fall 2022

For the Fall 2022 semester, walk-in assistance is available

    • Mondays at Winding Hill Café, 2 – 4 pm
    • Tuesdays in Zoom 2 – 4 pm
    • Thursdays at Café Diem (library), 9 – 11 am

No appointments necessary! Just come with your questions and/or brainstorm ideas.

Canvas Pro Tip iconCanvas Pro Tip:
Adding People to Canvas Courses

If you need to add a TA or colleague to a course in Canvas, Please complete the request form found in Falconlink and ETS will process your request as quickly as possible.

Accessibility Alley:
Extended Time in Canvas Quizzes/Exams

If you have  a student with an accommodation for extended time on exams, you’ll need to set that up in Canvas BEFORE the exam begins. This will likely be a two step process depending on your exam settings.

  1. Set a wider availability window for the student(s) (Canvas Tutorial)
  2. Extend the time limit for the student(s)

If you have any questions about this process, please contact Techsupport@messiah.edu OR visit instructional Design Office Hours.

logo for instructional design dynamic duoThis message is brought to you by the Instructional Design Dynamic Duo

Rocky Allinger & Cindi Kerns
callinger@messiah.edu | ckerns@messiah.edu
Instructional Design Office Hours | ITS Helpdesk Blog