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Senior wrester Ricardo Plummer recounts childhood challenges

February 7th, 2014

Ricardo Plummer, a senior on the wrestling team, recounts for the York Dispatch in a Feb. 5 article his challenging childhood in Panama, Brooklyn and eventually York.

Read “Hard times fuel York Suburban grad to wrestling success at Messiah.”

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Students and alums partner on new film

January 13th, 2014

The Jan. 8 Carlisle Sentinel profiled the key figures in a new film, “Downward.” Rolando Vega ’13, Michael Ortiz ’09, and Mitch McClure ’14 are filming in the Mechanicsburg area after accomplishing their Kickstarter campaign goal.

Read “Messiah College students, graduates to create another film.”

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History professor evaluates 50-year war on poverty

January 13th, 2014

Jim LaGrand, professor of history, evaluates the effectiveness of President Johnson’s declared war on poverty in a Jan. 10 op-ed.

Read “Fifty years later we’re still fighting the War on Poverty.”

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Professor discusses Jesus’ race

January 6th, 2014

A recent media pundit’s comments are unpacked in a Dec. 24 AP story about Jesus’ race, quoting Douglas Jacobsen, Messiah College professor of church history and theology.

Read “The race of Jesus: Unknown , yet powerful.”

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Soccer star overcomes injuries to win fourth national title

January 6th, 2014

Josh Wood talks in a Dec. 26 interview with the Kingsport Times News about the injuries he overcame to be a member of the 2013 National Championship team.

Read “Former South soccer standout overcomes injuries to win 4th title, player of the year award.”

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Salvation Army founder remembered

December 9th, 2013

Leader William Booth, the founder of The Salvation Army, is profiled in a Dec. 4 Investor’s Business Daily “Leaders and Success” column. Mike Zigarelli, professor of leadership, contributed some background information about Booth.

Read “William Booth’s Salvation Army became a global force for good.”

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A golden age of Christmas?

December 9th, 2013

John Fea, chair of the history department, examines whether the “war on Christmas” is grounded correctly in American history in a Dec. 9 commentary at the Pacific Standard.

Read “Was there a golden age of Christmas in America?”

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Evangelicals challenged to read Pope Francis

November 27th, 2013

John Fea, chair of the history department, provides 10 reasons why he thinks evangelicals should read Pope Francis’ first apostolic exhortation. Religion News Service ran this commentary on Nov. 27.

Read “Commentary: 10 reasons evangelicals should read Pope Francis.”

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Omitting God from the Gettysburg Address

November 21st, 2013

John Fea, chair of the history department, unpacks why President Barack Obama didn’t say “under God” in his recitation of the Gettysburg Address in honor of the 150th anniversary. The op-ed appeared on History News Network on Nov. 20.

Read “Why didn’t Obama say under God in his recitation of the Gettysburg Address?”

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English and psychology professor talk about stigma of mental illness and addiction

November 20th, 2013

Larry Lake, associate professor of writing at Messiah College, and Valerie Lemmon, associate professor of psychology, participated in a HuffPost Live interview Nov. 20 about the stigma of mental illness. The interview resulted from Lake’s very popular essay, “Comfort Food: No one brings dinner when your daughter in an addict.”

Listen to the interview.

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