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Local newspaper ranks Compassion Forum among top religion stories

January 5th, 2009

The York Daily Record ranked The Compassion Forum number four on their list of the top eight religion stories of 2008. The Dec. 31 story cites the candidates efforts’ to “woo faith-based voters.”

Read “Top eight, local religion stories.”

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Read what the media is saying about The Compassion Forum

April 14th, 2008

On April 13, Messiah College hosted The Compassion Forum, an event that brought Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to campus for a conversation about how their faith informs compassion issues. (Senator McCain was invited, but unfortunately could not attend.) Here’s what various media outlets are saying about the event:

New York Times
Washington Post (log-in required)
USA Today
Wall Street Journal
Hartford Courant

Harrisburg Patriot-News
Carlisle Sentinel
York Dispatch
York Daily Record

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Philadelphia Inquirer

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