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Internship advice from a pro

July 7th, 2014

Mike True, director of the Internship Center, is a frequently sought-after source for all things internship related.

Read “How you should hire help this summer” from Fundera.

Read “People who went from interns to top execs” from Bankrate.

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The controversy over unpaid internships

August 2nd, 2013

Mike True, director of the Messiah College Intership Center, continues to be a sought-after voice on the recent court ruling about unpaid internships. In this Aug. 2 Inside Higher Ed article, True talks about the benefits of internship experiences being tied to an academic institution.

Read “Officials skeptical that unpaid intern lawsuits will affect higher education.”

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Weighing the value of virtual internships

April 26th, 2013

Mike True, director of the Internship Center, weighs the value of a virtual internship in an April 25 “Secrets of the Job Hunt” post.

Read “Should you consider a virtual internship?”

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History of internships

March 12th, 2013

Mike True, director of the College’s Internship Center, talked with Intern Pro Radio on March 5 about the history of internships and their professional value.

Listen to “The evolution of internships.”

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Messiah’s Internship Program at focus of higher ed story

March 4th, 2013

A March 4 story in the Chronicle of Higher Education features Messiah College Internship Director Mike True and current intern Rachel Vandernick, intern at an accounting firm. The story explores the value of internships in today’s job market.

“Internships make the difference” is not available online.

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Skeptical of new internship program

October 11th, 2012

Mike True, director of Messiah College’s Internship Center, is skeptical of a new program at the University of Pittsburgh that guarantees placement for every student who wants an internship. True weighs in on the matter in an October 11 Inside Higher Ed article.

Read “Pitt, Johnson & Wales make big internship promises.”

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Demand for liberal arts internship experiences on the rise

August 8th, 2012

The number of students seeking liberal arts degrees and internship experiences is increasing, according to an Aug. 8 Inside Higher Ed article. Mike True, director of Messiah College’s Internship Center, addresses the trend in the article.

Read “More colleges pushing internships in liberal arts.”

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Value of on-campus internships

June 18th, 2012

Clemson University in South Carolina has made a bold commitment to fund and provide more than 400  internships on their campus in the next few years. In a June 17 “Chronicle of Higher Education” article Mike True, director of Messiah’s internship center, said such opportunities are valuable in regions with limited career development options, but that an off-campus internship is still considered more desirable among employers. Read “Clemson meets student demand with big investment in campus internships.”

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Value of student internships

June 4th, 2012

Mike True, director of the Messiah College Internship Center, answers questions at about why students should seek internships. This article was posted May 14, 2012.

Read “Expert Q&A: Internship benefits.”

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Oakes Museum programming noted

January 20th, 2011

The entertainment section of the York Daily Record printed a brief profile about the Oakes Museum and the upcoming Curator Club in their January 19 edition.

Read “Touch, see and wonder at Messiah College’s Oakes Museum.”

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