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Student undertakes movie-making and puts classroom skills to test

May 2nd, 2014

Student Mitch McClure ’14 and alumnus Rolando Vega ’13 filmed “Downward,” a short, post-apocalyptic film that will premier at the Carlisle Theatre May 3. The Carlisle Sentinel previewed the film and interviewed the McClure and Vega for a May 1 article.

Read “Messiah students to premiere new post-apocalyptic short film at Carlisle Theatre.”

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History professor evaluates 50-year war on poverty

January 13th, 2014

Jim LaGrand, professor of history, evaluates the effectiveness of President Johnson’s declared war on poverty in a Jan. 10 op-ed.

Read “Fifty years later we’re still fighting the War on Poverty.”

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Professor discusses Jesus’ race

January 6th, 2014

A recent media pundit’s comments are unpacked in a Dec. 24 AP story about Jesus’ race, quoting Douglas Jacobsen, Messiah College professor of church history and theology.

Read “The race of Jesus: Unknown , yet powerful.”

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A golden age of Christmas?

December 9th, 2013

John Fea, chair of the history department, examines whether the “war on Christmas” is grounded correctly in American history in a Dec. 9 commentary at the Pacific Standard.

Read “Was there a golden age of Christmas in America?”

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Evangelicals challenged to read Pope Francis

November 27th, 2013

John Fea, chair of the history department, provides 10 reasons why he thinks evangelicals should read Pope Francis’ first apostolic exhortation. Religion News Service ran this commentary on Nov. 27.

Read “Commentary: 10 reasons evangelicals should read Pope Francis.”

Posted in Faculty, School of the Humanities | Comments Off on Evangelicals challenged to read Pope Francis

Omitting God from the Gettysburg Address

November 21st, 2013

John Fea, chair of the history department, unpacks why President Barack Obama didn’t say “under God” in his recitation of the Gettysburg Address in honor of the 150th anniversary. The op-ed appeared on History News Network on Nov. 20.

Read “Why didn’t Obama say under God in his recitation of the Gettysburg Address?”

Posted in Faculty, School of the Humanities | Comments Off on Omitting God from the Gettysburg Address

English and psychology professor talk about stigma of mental illness and addiction

November 20th, 2013

Larry Lake, associate professor of writing at Messiah College, and Valerie Lemmon, associate professor of psychology, participated in a HuffPost Live interview Nov. 20 about the stigma of mental illness. The interview resulted from Lake’s very popular essay, “Comfort Food: No one brings dinner when your daughter in an addict.”

Listen to the interview.

Posted in Faculty, School of the Humanities | Comments Off on English and psychology professor talk about stigma of mental illness and addiction

John Fea makes a compelling case for the humanities

November 19th, 2013

In a Nov. 6 Harrisburg Patriot-News op-ed, history professor John Fea makes a compelling case for the value of the humanities, writing, “The study of the humanities may not have a direct impact on our gross national product, but without subjects such as history we are in danger of losing our democratic soul.”

Read “Here’s why we’re losing our democratic soul.”

Posted in Faculty, School of the Humanities | Comments Off on John Fea makes a compelling case for the humanities

Professor challenges response to families dealing with mental illness

November 19th, 2013

English Professor Larry Lake tackles the stigma of mental illness and addiction in his powerful essay, “Comfort Food: No one brings dinner when your daughter is an addict.” The essay first appeared at on Nov. 8 and then in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and on various other blogs and news websites in the days following.

Read “Comfort Food.”

Posted in Faculty, School of the Humanities | Comments Off on Professor challenges response to families dealing with mental illness

Student inspires campus and community

November 19th, 2013

Student Hope Johnson `14 has demonstrated significant resilience as a college student with cerebral palsy. The Harrisburg Patriot-News featured this remarkable student in their Nov. 17 edition.

Read “A message of hope: Messiah College student determined to not let cerebral palsy slow her down.”

Posted in School of the Humanities, Students | Comments Off on Student inspires campus and community


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