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Recapping the Henry Louis Gates lecture

March 1st, 2010

Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates lectured at Messiah College on Feb. 25 as the keynote address for the Humanities Symposium as well as the Centennial. Gates used his personal narrative to give an informative, witty, and endearing lecture on the value of genealogy and genetics research. The Patriot-News recapped the lecture in a Feb. 28 article.

Read “Lineage paints with a wide brush.”

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Messiah commemorates 100 years of living its mission locally as well as abroad

November 19th, 2009

President Kim Phipps and Provost Randy Basinger teamed up to write an op-ed piece for the October 11 Harrisburg Patriot-News that highlights the College’s active engagagement in the Harrisburg region for 100 years.

Read “Messiah College takes holistic approach to education.”

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Article considers college’s 100-year history

November 19th, 2009

Messiah College is reflecting on its history as it commemorates its Centennial year and also looking forward and celebrating the promise of the graduating class, according to a September 5 article in the Carlisle Sentinel. The article outlines the school’s beginnings as a missionary training school and its evolution into the four-year private college it is today.

Read “College began as a training school.”

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