
The last spotlight in this series is on our Director of Sustainability, Brandon Hoover. I asked Brandon for a short bio on his role in the office, a fun fact, his favorite food and his goals for the office. Here is his response…

“My motto for work and service is that redemption is participatory, and requires us to work on redeeming both people and our places. For me the best way to do that is through a sustainability framework. In my unique role as the Director of Sustainability, I provide leadership to both the Office of Sustainability and the Sustainability Studies major, both of which cultivate an ethos of civic and ecological citizenship through experiential learning and institutional sustainability planning. Essentially this means my work has me all over campus, from working in the garden or managing composting efforts to teaching. I have a passion for educating students to become more engaged citizens, both socially and ecologically. My teaching and research focuses on community and urban development, with a particular focus on food systems, economic geography, local policy, and human-environment interactions.

I have a BA in Theological Studies from Eastern University, and an MA in Geography and Urban Studies from Temple University. I currently live in Mechanicsburg, PA with my wife Meg, and our two children Paxton and Judson.

Fun Fact: I’ve eaten termites

Favorite Food: I’m willing to try most things, but probably a curry of some sort

Goals for the Office: Wide reaching student engagement and more clear opportunities to volunteer and engage with sustainability on campus… no matter your major.”

Stop by the office and say hello to our office team, Brandon, Lyndsay, Olivia, and myself (Kate)! Don’t forget our compost workers, Ian, Will, and Scott (unfortunately Will and Scott were not featured). We’d love to hear from you!

Here is Brandon pulling his son, Paxton, on a bicycle!

Here is Brandon pulling his son, Paxton, on a bicycle!