New Program Coordinator Reflects on Campus Sustainability

What a joyful first month!

Who would have thought that in just a few short days my world would open to so many wonderful opportunities!  I have been very welcomed by the students and staff at Messiah that I feel as though I have been  wrapped in a warm blanket.  I knew that Messiah had a wonderful reputation for academics and hospitality but when you are the recipient, the meaning of those things is even more appreciated.

I am honored to be a part of a fairly new, but growing office.  The Sustainability office (located right outside of the Falcon in Eisenhower) is now where I will call home!  I am the new Program Coordinator in the Sustainability office and hope to be on campus three days a week.

During my interview process, I learned so much about what Messiah is doing to protect our beautiful earth.  I want to share some things that I learned (take a minute to read this – I think you will be surprised!)

Did you know that Messiah College is one of the leading Christian colleges in their efforts on Sustainability?


Messiah College employs six work study leaders in their Sustainability Department.  They focus on our 5 greatest missions, Energy, Engagement, Waste, Biodiversity and Food.

The Office coordinates with Dining services to utilize produce grown in our gardens on campus and in turn composts left over food products to be put back into our gardens.  Produce can also be found for sale in the Spring and Summer at local Farmer’s Markets and right on campus in our office!

The Office of Sustainability offers students their own personal composting bins to be utilized in their residence with the expectation that the leftover food will be composted in the pile next to the community garden.

Messiah College has two bee hives that allow the office to make approximately 4.5 gallons of honey each year! Inspired by all that the bees provide for us, our students have also hand crafted some soap that is for sale right now in the Office of Sustainability!

The office of Sustainability collects copier toners and print cartridges that are recycled off sight and any savings from this recycling is put right back into the coordination of sustainability services on campus.

Sustainability student, Will Korzeniewski, has been working diligently to offer Kilowatt usage by students in Smith, Mellinger and Frey Residence Halls.  These reports will be available monthly to offer students a better understanding of use and cost of energy.

Work study students put many hours into caring for 16 chickens on campus.  This includes feeding and watering as well as keeping a clean and tidy hen house.  These chickens, in turn, provide several eggs per day which are used by students and colleagues on campus.

Don’t forget we also utilize solar power to help heat the north end of campus!

Have you checked out our rain gardens outside of Eisenhower and the High Center?  These rain gardens help with run off and ultimately protect the water ways below campus. They also help rainwater become a natural source of groundwater which keeps our gardens, grasses and trees healthy.

We are currently working to update our website and make it easier for you to learn more about the Office of Sustainability and their efforts.  Most importantly, it will give you a place to find ideas on how YOU can become a better steward of the earth.

It’s easy to forget what we have been given.  It’s easy to forget that we are responsible for what has been given to us.  Please take time to remember and love the earth and all that’s in it.

With a grateful heart,

Lori Chance, Sustainability Program Coordinator