Canvas Update: Changes to Quizzes in Canvas
Classic Quizzes in Canvas (current default) is reaching its end of life — as of Spring 2022, New Quizzes will be the only quiz function available.
The good news is that New Quizzes has a lot of great functionality that we’ve been looking for, like setting accommodation settings for all quizzes at once (instead of quiz by quiz) and cool question types like Hotspot, Categorization, and Ordering.
Start checking out New Quizzes early so that you’re ready to go when Classic Quizzes is retired. Check out our blog page (link below) or pop into one of our upcoming workshops (via Zoom).
Quizzes Blog Page
New Quizzes Workshops Available!
Want to get an overview and some guidance on using New Quizzes with the Dynamic Duo? Pop into one of these upcoming workshops:
- Wednesday, April 21st, at 12:30 pm
- Thursday, April 22nd, at 2:30 pm
- Tuesday, April 27th, at 9:30 am
All workshops will be in Zoom (meeting link, passcode: ZoomSammy)
Canvas Update: Require Students to Resubmit Assignment
If you’ve ever needed to have a student re-submit an assignment and relied on them paying attention to a submission comment or email, you know that it can be tough. By using the new “Reassign” function in Assignments, the assignment will reappear on the student’s to-do list.
Fun Fact! This was a Feature Request that we highlighted in our Wednesday Update from April 2019. Yay us!
How to Reassign an Assignment
Dynamic Duo Discovery: Teach Like a Poet
A great read from The Chronicle of Higher Education that we’d like to share is “Distracted Minds: Why You Should Teach Like a Poet.” James Lang offers ways to re-engage students whose enthusiasm may be lagging at this point in the semester.
Read the articleThis message is brought to you by the Instructional Design Dynamic Duo
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