Seek to SEA More

We started out free day bright and early. You would think with a free day we would sleep in! After the usual grilled cheese and tomato sandwich we headed to the beach (we only got slightly burned) . From then on we immersed ourselves in the Greek culture. After going to Lindos earlier on in the week, we decided to further experience the beautiful town. While being there we engaged with the community on our own and felt the culture as if we were not tourists. Being able to be trusted in another country on our own is something that we are grateful to experience.

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While we were there, we walked into one of the Orthodox churches. I wish we would have been allowed to take pictures because it was beautiful. It was amazing to be able to observe one of the chur
ches after listening to Dr. Putt’s lectures. The lecture was perfect to pair with the icons we discussed. We talked about how the trinity was depicted in the icons. The trinity is well kno
wn but not specifically named in the Bible. The icons would symbolize and recreate some events that happened throughout scripture. We talked about how the concept of the trinity came to be and the question discussed throughout history of whether or not Jesus was divine. All in all the day was packed full of good memories and discussions that bettered our understanding of theology.

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