Missin’ You Greece

This trip was something that I will truthfully never forget. I learned so much and experienced even more. It was so great to find myself being a piece of a culture so different from my own. Starting to learn the language and recognize words, knowing what I want to order at a restaurant or even having things I want to go back for because it was so great.

One thing that really did stand out for me was just being where Paul was. He is such a big part of our faith and the things that we read about that it was surreal to stand where he stood. Even to go to the monasteries and see people live with such intense dedication to their faith was inspiring…. although I don’t think I would fit into a nunnery…

Just things like all of the restaurants being outside, seeing fresh fruits and vegetables everywhere, those are the kind of things that you don’t see here at home. I was so thankful that we had enough free time to be able to get ourselves into the every day lives of these incredible people. It helped me learn so much about them and myself.

One of my objectives was to be able to discuss the meaning of some of the historical and meaningful places that we visited and I absolutely can do that. It is just a different way of learning, like being there looking at it. Rather than looking at pictures or just hearing about it, I was living in it. That made it a lot easier to appreciate where I was.


Overall, it was a trip that I am so thankful for and wouldn’t trade for the world. These are some of my favorite pictures!!


Taylor Belanger


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