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World Vision continues its partnership and funding for the Collaboratory’s African water project

March 3rd, 2014

World Vision has committed $125,000 to fund the Collaboratory’s continued development of a remote pump monitoring system in Africa. Under development at Messiah is a system that would use sensors installed on pumps to communicate with cloud technology in order to remotely monitor pumps so that operational problems can be identified and repaired quickly. The Collaboratory is prototype testing in Ghana in March.

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World Vision awards Collaboratory project teams $733,000 to improve access to water and sanitation in Ghana, Niger and Mali

May 14th, 2012

World Vision has awarded the Collaboratory for Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research at Messiah College a contract for two projects that will be funded at $733,000 over three years with money from the Conrad Hilton Foundation. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Collaboratory’s Mali Water and Disabilities Study team presents results from three-year study

October 5th, 2009

The Collaboratory’s Mali Water and Disabilities Study team, in partnership with World Vision Mali and the West Africa Water Initiative (WAWI), recently concluded their three-year assessment of the access and use of water and sanitation facilities by disabled and elderly persons. Dean Ray Norman just returned from Mali, where he gave the final presentation for this study in Bamako (the capital of Mali) to representatives for World Vision Mali, Ghana, Niger, Ethiopia, Zambia, and the U.S. The study’s team developed simple, low-cost alternatives to improve access to wells and latrines in Mali and provided recommendations to World Vision Mali and WAWI to ensure that their facilities will be accessible to all. This study was funded by a three-year, $150,000 grant from the Conrad Hilton Foundation.

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Collaboratory students and faculty develop innovative solutions to assist young people with autism or Asperger’s

November 3rd, 2008

A state grant funds further development of WERCware, a device that allows individuals with high-functioning autism or Asperger’s to have a virtual coach in their places of employment.

Read more about this Collaboratory project.

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Solar pavilion exhibits sustainable energy commitment

September 22nd, 2008

Four arrays will offset the utility usage of a computer lab. (Read more about the system here.)

Messiah College’s educational and conservational commitment to sustainable energy isn’t new. For years, Messiah College has been a leader in developing sustainable energy solutions for on-campus educational purposes and for humanitarian efforts abroad. Read the rest of this entry »

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