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Messiah College named the #1 Best Business Degree Program by Christian Universities Online

January 23rd, 2017

Top-10-Business-Colleges-and-Universities-2017 editedMessiah College is named the #1 Best Business Degree Program for 2017 by Christian Universities Online. Messiah’s Department of Business offers six majors, seven minors and eight concentrations.

Learn more about the ranking here.

Learn more about Messiah’s Department of Business here.

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Messiah College earns recognition for its graduate degree in counseling

June 4th, 2015

IMG_7140_HP Messiah College recently received two recognitions for its graduate degree in counseling:

Ranked #9 out of 25 for the “Most Affordable, Accredited Graduate Degrees in Psychology and Counseling in the Northeast 2014” – Read more about this recognition here.

Ranked #20 out of 50 for “The 50 Best Online Schools for a Graduate Degree in Counseling 2015” – Read more about this recognition here.

Messiah offers a Master of Arts in Counseling with concentrations in clinical and mental health; marriage, couple and family; and school counseling.

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Graduate program in counseling achieves extended accreditation

August 7th, 2014

The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) has extended accredited status to all three tracks in Messiah College’s popular Master of Arts in Counseling. The tracks include clinical mental health; marriage, couple and family; and school counseling.

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Alexandra Burris ’15 honored for academic excellence during Oxford semester

August 7th, 2014

Senior psychology major/French minor Alexandra Burris ’15 is among a small group of students awarded a de Jager prize for exceptional academic performance during her Scholars’ Semester in Oxford. Burris’ academic performance during the 2014 spring semester earned the de Jager—administered by Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford—which recognizes students who demonstrate outstanding application and ability of their educational experience.

“Since I had visiting student status, I could go pretty much anywhere in the university, including in the Bodleian Library, which is a really rare opportunity,” noted Burris about her Oxford experience. “I also got to study one-on-one with university professors, which was an incredible honor. The depth of insight they provided was amazing.”

Burris is Messiah’s fourth student to receive the de Jager prize since its founding in 2013. She joins alums Jessica Barnett ’13, Kaitlyn Kulp ’14 and Nate Van Wyck ’13.

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Scott Kerstetter ‘17 awarded Department of Defense SMART Scholarship

August 7th, 2014

Engineering student Scott Kerstetter ‘17 has received a SMART Scholarship from the research and development branch of the Department of Defense (DOD). The benefits of the scholarship include payment of all college expenses, a cash stipend for living expenses, summer internships at DOD facilities and a guaranteed job after college.

The SMART program provides the opportunity for college students to be hired by a DOD site; Kerstetter will work at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md., one of the largest DOD facilities. He will do testing for the Army in the communications/electronics sector.

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Messiah College launches new graduate programs in business and leadership

March 31st, 2014

Messiah College has expanded its graduate program offerings to include programs in business and leadership. These fully online graduate programs can be completed in one to three years depending on which program the student chooses. There are four options within Messiah’s new business and leadership program. More information about each of these options can be found at

Certificate in Leadership: This 15-credit, fully online program can be completed in one year and is designed for professionals who want to prepare for greater career opportunity by updating and upgrading their ability to lead people. Classes begin fall 2014.

Master’s in Strategic Leadership: This 30-credit, fully online master’s program can be completed in two years and is designed for professionals who want to advance their career and opportunities by becoming more effective at leading people and organizations. Classes begin fall 2014.

Certificate in Management: This 15-credit, fully online program can be completed in one year and is designed for professionals who want advanced training that is immediately applicable to their management challenges. Classes begin fall 2015.

Master of Business Administration: Leadership Focus: This 42-credit, fully online master’s program can be completed in three years and is designed for professionals who want to advance their career and opportunities by developing their leadership skills and the management tools to transform organizations. Classes begin fall 2014.

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Messiah nursing students place third in NCLEX Challenge Bowl

February 5th, 2014

The Messiah College Student Nurses’ Association Chapter placed third in the SCORE! NCLEX Challenge Bowl statewide competition held at the PA State Student Nurses’ Association Convention in November. This was the first year a team from Messiah participated in the competition.

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Biopsychology major Michael Skolka `14 receives American Physiological Association stipend to further research

May 10th, 2013

Biopsychology major Michael Skolka received a stipend from the American Physiological Association to continue his research on acute pancreatitis at Penn State Hershey. Skolka has already been invited to present his data at the 2014 National Experimental Biology meeting.

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Philosophy professor Robin Collins receives grant for two-year project with physicist Abaz Kryemadhi

April 15th, 2013

Robin Collins, professor of philosophy, recently received a $53, 644 grant through the Providence and Chance project (funded by the John Templeton Foundation) to work on a two-year project entitled “Discoverability, Providence, and Chance.” He will be working with Messiah College physicist Abaz Kryemadhi.

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Senior Malcolm McDermond earns Fulbright U.S. Student Award to assist with English courses in Malaysia

April 5th, 2013

Malcolm McDermond, senior sociology and anthropology and Biblical and religious studies major has been selected for a Fulbright U.S. Student award for 2013-2014. He will tenure his award in Malaysia where he will hold an English Teaching Assistantship (ETA). ETAs place Fulbrighters in a classroom abroad to provide assistance to teachers of English to non-native English-speakers.

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