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Professor Meg Ramey’s 2011 Advent Chapel Sermon

April 24th, 2012

Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies Meg Ramey speaks at chapel during the 2011 Advent Season.  Her sermon is entitled, “Waiting, Longing, Anticipating”.

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E-Books in the Academy – Faculty Panel Discussion

March 27th, 2012

Members of a faculty panel discuss their interactions with e-books in their academic involvements, including teaching in the classroom as well as personal use and in their own education.

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Professor Brian Smith – Ancient Book, Modern Scroll

March 27th, 2012

Brian Smith, Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, presents on the “Strange Juxtaposition of Messiah College’s Torah Scroll and Codex Sanaitcus” at the 2012 Spring Humanities Symposium.

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Professor Matthew Roth – Poetry Reading

March 27th, 2012

Matthew Roth, Associate Professor of English reads from his book, Bird Silence, at a reading sponsored by the Messiah College School of the Humanities.

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