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Humanities Media Blog

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Morgan Lee – ‘Memoirs and Human Rights Awareness’

May 19th, 2012

Morgan Lee presents her senior honors research entitled, “Memoirs and Human Rights Awareness”.

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Sharon Hoeck – ‘Beyond the Nation-State?’

May 3rd, 2012

Sharon Hoeck presents her 2012 senior honors research entitled, “Beyond the Nation State? Examining Trends for Supporting Governments in the European Union”.

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Natalie Burack – ‘The Can-Opener Gourmet’

May 3rd, 2012

Natalie Burack presents her 2012 senior honors research entitled, “Can-Opener Gourmet: Poppy Cannon and American Culture in the 1950s”.

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Elena Casey – ‘Toward a Multilingual Society’

May 1st, 2012

Elena Casey presents her 2012 senior honors research project entitled, “Toward a Multilingual Society”.

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Abigail Long – ‘Why We Should Read Wodehouse’

April 26th, 2012

Senior Abigail Long presents her honors thesis entitled, “Why We Should Read Wodehouse”.

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“A Day In The Life…” Grand Champion

April 24th, 2012

Jake Dore, Mitch McClure, & David Glick’s grand prize-winning video for the School of Humanities’ “A Day In The Life…” video contest.

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Messiah College Politics Alum: 5 Career Lessons From Basketball

April 24th, 2012

A Politics alum offers five career lessons he learned from playing and coaching basketball.

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Questions with Politics Alumni: Politics in a Business Career

April 24th, 2012

A panel of Politics alumni discuss how their degree in Politics translates to their current career in business.

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Questions with Politics Alumni: Choosing a Politics Major

April 24th, 2012

A panel of Politics alumni discuss whether, given a second chance, they would still choose to major in Politics.

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Professor Meg Ramey’s 2011 Advent Chapel Sermon

April 24th, 2012

Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies Meg Ramey speaks at chapel during the 2011 Advent Season.  Her sermon is entitled, “Waiting, Longing, Anticipating”.

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