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Humanities Media Blog

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Morgan Lee – ‘Memoirs and Human Rights Awareness’

May 19th, 2012

Morgan Lee presents her senior honors research entitled, “Memoirs and Human Rights Awareness”.

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Sharon Hoeck – ‘Beyond the Nation-State?’

May 3rd, 2012

Sharon Hoeck presents her 2012 senior honors research entitled, “Beyond the Nation State? Examining Trends for Supporting Governments in the European Union”.

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Natalie Burack – ‘The Can-Opener Gourmet’

May 3rd, 2012

Natalie Burack presents her 2012 senior honors research entitled, “Can-Opener Gourmet: Poppy Cannon and American Culture in the 1950s”.

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Elena Casey – ‘Toward a Multilingual Society’

May 1st, 2012

Elena Casey presents her 2012 senior honors research project entitled, “Toward a Multilingual Society”.

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Abigail Long – ‘Why We Should Read Wodehouse’

April 26th, 2012

Senior Abigail Long presents her honors thesis entitled, “Why We Should Read Wodehouse”.

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“A Day In The Life…” Grand Champion

April 24th, 2012

Jake Dore, Mitch McClure, & David Glick’s grand prize-winning video for the School of Humanities’ “A Day In The Life…” video contest.

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Alyssa Reph and Professor Anita Voelker – E-Books and Trade Books

March 27th, 2012

Alyssa Reph and Professor Anita Voelker share their research on the interactions of six-year-olds with different literary media.

Posted in 2012 Spring Humanities Symposium, Student Presentations, Videos | Comments Off on Alyssa Reph and Professor Anita Voelker – E-Books and Trade Books

Elizabeth Warren’s Senior Research Presentation

March 27th, 2012

2011 graduate Elizabeth Warren presents her research on the role of non-profit organizations in the fight against global poverty.

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