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Alumni show their love for their alma mater … 520 times!

We ♥ Messiah is more than a slogan! It represents a deep affection our alumni feel for their experiences at Messiah College. We often hear how much their time at Messiah meant and how profoundly it impacted their spiritual and intellectual development. We hear the friendships they made at Messiah remain some of the most meaningful relationships in their lives and many have been sustained long past their Messiah days. We hear how much they care that Messiah remains true to its Christian roots and firm in its theological traditions. We know how much they love Messiah because they tell us.

The We ♥ Messiah appeal echoes alumni sentiments about their Messiah experience.  Understanding the life-changing opportunities a Messiah education offers, two generous alumni, Steve Rice ’80 and Todd Witmer ’91, graciously offered a challenge gift of $20,000. They and the College challenged 500 alumni to renew their annual financial support by June 30.  In turn, their $20,000 challenge gift would be given to the Messiah Annual Fund, which supports student scholarship aid.  Although a lofty goal for a short appeal, our alumni enthusiastically accepted the challenge and not only achieved the goal, but exceeded it with a final count of 520 new* alumni donors!

We are beyond grateful for the love alumni showed their alma mater by supporting Messiah College during the last days of our fiscal year. Their gifts continue our ongoing tradition of providing scholarship aid for students and making it possible for us to offer a high quality Christian education to students who may otherwise not have the means to afford it. Part of the legacy of Messiah College is our alumni, employees, parents and friends who have sacrificially given financial support from the first days of Messiah through today. Without the investment of these people, Messiah would not be the College our alums have grown to love.  We ♥ our Alumni and their commitment to continue the traditions of their alma mater!

*refers to those who have not given July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014