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Messiah students and grads ‘hit the road’

Hit the Road in DCThis is the third summer for the award-winning “Hit the Road” program, a life exploratory effort sponsored by Messiah College’s Career Center to give current students and new grads a chance to see America first-hand, investigate new career opportunities, interview individuals engaged in a variety of endeavors, experience the Christian life lived out, and sample drive-thru food on a nationwide scale.

Unfolding the Map

In February, teams of hopefuls prepared applications, detailing the group members, the general route, and stated goals and hopes for their trips. Four teams were selected based upon their answers to a variety of queries (and, presumably, the roadworthiness of their vehicles). See the side bar for a personal glimpse of what each traveler hopes is in store for them.

Rules of the Road

Each trip must last at least a week, but longer sojourns are acceptable. One ambitious team will be traveling for two and a half weeks. To document their journey, each team is required to blog during their trip. At least three video interviews are to be completed by each team.

Fasten your seatbelts!

Hit the Road DCOnce classes were completed and diplomas were in hand, the New England Awesomes, Dreamers and Seekers, Go West Young Men, and Cross Country Cruisers loaded up their vehicles and set out.  From their blog links below, join these intrepid travelers in their adventures on the road, already in progress.

New England Awesomes

Dreamers and Seekers

Go West Young Men

Cross Country Cruisers

To Learn More:

Hit the Road 2009 Teams and Bios

Messiah College Career Center


From the travelers…

Here are just a few of the thoughts the Hit the Roaders had as they contemplated their trips. (Almost a pity, not one of them is named “Jack”.)

Derek: “I hope to receive information on the usefulness of graduate school versus entering the work world directly out of college.”

Brett: “I cannot think of a better way to say goodbye to another chapter of life than to spend [almost] three weeks on the open road seeing some of America’s greatest with two of my best friends.”

“I have great ambitions in life, but right now I’m feeling like a compass with a broken needle.”

Alexandra: “I value the experience of taking a road trip with friends who are at the same stage of life as I am.”

“I see [this trip] as an adventurous test of independence, ingenuity, and responsibility—who knows what will happen on the road!”

“I would love to see the varied ways that health care professionals put their faith in action and learn more about the ways God uses health care to bless people in different settings.”

“New England is the final main region of the United States that I have not yet explored, so experiencing it will help me determine my position in the Body of Christ’s church.”

“I know I want to study Spanish and work with an inner city community, but I really don’t know in what way I can best serve others. Exploring some options is a great idea for me!”

“Throughout this trip, I hope to use music as the stage on which I will connect with people; approaching them with an honest expression of myself as I seek to define my place in the world I am exploring.”

“Employers will see my dedication to understanding more about the world of marketing; I will have good examples and experiences to share; and I will be able to show a stronger level of commitment to advancing my career.”

“I know that God has called me to social work, but beyond that I am very unsure. I think Hit the Road would be a great way for me to move a step forward in figuring that out.”

“As a history major, I am often asked what I will do with my major. I answer that I am enhancing and learning valuable skills that will help me in the areas of career interest that I have. I want to do humanitarian work.”