Seventh Day- Rich place

June 19th, 2021

Another day in the Southside of the country to be educated and listen. I did not expect Tennessee to be such a richly historic place other than the assassination of Dr. King. Something else I thought was cool was how there is a line that divides the state in terms of time zones.

When we started the day I knew it was going to be a hard one to take in. When you hear about stories of heroes like Dr. King it’s definitely way different when you have people who know what they talking about educating you on the history.

The National Civil Rights Museum itself was so educational. When most hotels were for whites only Lorraine Motel welcomed African America even though it was heavily segregated in the South. It had all these quotes from different people. Even some of the artists from Stax that we learned about from the Stax museum stayed there often.

Walking around the museum, it had historic information all that way to how the slave trade happened, who was part of it, and regions from Africa that people were taken from. This was a good intro to the start of the tour in the museum because it gave a picture at the end of what people were fighting for. Seeing some things that the slaves used to entertain themselves or console that we still use back at home was very sad.

Fast forward to where Dr. King stayed, it was a nice spot that he had. He was having a good time while waiting to hear a word from Rev Kyles. When they were about to live that’s when he was taken away from us physically but everything he taught and the dream is still alive.

I might have to move to Nashville one day or make it a vacation spot.

The National Museum of African American Music was another cool experience. Definitely one of my favorite places that we visited. There we so many people that I recognized that were on the posters in the museum. Ms. Rutha Harris was one of them.

We also got the opportunity to listen to various genres of music and from different time periods.

Nathan Ncube