Third Day- The beauty of a voice

June 16th, 2021

What we had on the agenda today really had me excited and even more eager to learn about this beautiful now movement. Even though it was a time of sorrow, sadness, and hopelessness, people had a dream, and the dream is still alive. That dream is still alive because of the great heroes and sheroes that never gave up and used their God-given talents to help in any way shape or form. Just like Rutha Harris.

We had the honor and pleasure to meet Ms. Rutha Harris. One of the freedom singers. The beautiful thing I learned from this wonderful lady was “everyone has a story, and I told (and telling) mine through singing” -Harris. I learned that we all have a story and there are so many ways we can share that, it can be through our God-given talents.

At 21 years old, my age Ms. Harris had the courage to take a stand in believing what was right and she did it in a form of singing in mass meetings. I began to ask myself, what are some things that I can start doing right now at this age to be an agent of change. I wrestled with this thought, but I got to the conclusion that I can use my God-given talents.

I was inspired by the loving words she had about forgiveness. I can’t even imagine the anger and frustration you would have after being shot at, but she just forgave and was motivated by the “end goal” of meeting the perfect one, the Lord, God.

The next question I begin to ask myself after this beautiful experience is what can we do collectively to be agents of change?

Nathan Ncube

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