Day 3: Creative Community Action

June 16th, 2021

I Corinthians 12:12 says “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.”  Using her gift of music and a voice that fills every space with powerful energy and joy, Rutha Harris, one of the original Freedom Singers, continues to inspire, encourage, unite and communicate powerful truth.  Music during the Civil Rights Movements was a medium understood by all and was a vehicle of change and a weapon of righteousness that at times dissolved hatred.

The bus boycotts responding to Rosa Parks courageous stand gave the community an opportunity to creatively spring into action.  Some stayed up all night printing flyers, other distributed them, many walked to work in all kinds of weather, others secretly drove to drive their maids to work, congregations collected money to purchase “Rolling Church” station wagons, others found used bikes for transportation, and people mailed shoes for those who walked so many miles during the boycotts.  It took a community, using their gifts and what they had to plant seeds of freedom, which bore fruit 381 days later!

Linda Poston

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