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June 15th, 2021

The change in Selma is not completed. The wounds of the racial struggle in this world still remain, but in Selma they visibly remain in the torn up streets, the white houses vs. black houses, etc. A common theme that I have seen across all kinds of people fighting for change is the investment in their community.

Though change is needed everywhere, there is no better place to begin than your own hometown. In the places we call home, we have bonds we already can rely on, and areas we know we should focus on. Change in our home begins with finding a way to grow the community as you change it for the better. There is always something we can reform at home. Because it is our home, no one knows it like we do. We see the crack in the wall that no one else observes. And we know what will uniquely be the best treatment for it.

Jon Sison

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