Day 2 – Nonviolence or Nonexistence

June 15th, 2021

As I stepped off the bus at the MLK Center this morning, I was greeted by black tiles in the stone sidewalk that read “Nonviolence or Nonexistence.” Continuing up the stairs, I arrived at a wall in which the six principles of nonviolence, as defined by Dr. King in his book Stride Toward Freedom, were carved. One principle that particularly stuck out to me was that “nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding.” The purpose of this, according to Dr. King, was to create a Beloved Community. The success of these nonviolent protests is a testament to the immense power of forgiveness. These protestors endured countless abhorrent insults, beatings, burnings, bombs, gases, …the list goes on. Yet, they remained steadfast in their commitment to nonviolence. Violence only turns others away. Refusing to act violently opens doors. If I was in the shoes of these black individuals receiving this terrible treatment, I would very much want to lash out at the white offenders. However, these protestors truly understood the power of nonviolence and, rather than using it to make enemies, sought to make friends with their oppressors. Mr. Charles Person echoed this idea in his chat with us today, emphasizing the importance of having civil discourse with our brothers and sisters of differing viewpoints and establishing them as allies. This Christlike approach to addressing injustice is a model I continue to strive for daily.

Jane Mylin

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