Day 1: Courageous Persistence

June 14th, 2021

Day 1: Courageous Persistence

The visit to the International Civil Rights Center and Museum in Greensboro, NC, provided a visual experience of the 4 young men who said “enough is enough” and began the sit-in at the Woolworth Lunch Counter. The original floor, counters, stools and pricing for menu items has been restored and a muti-media presentation in multiple window sections behind the counters depicted how things unfolded and let you enter into the experience.  The courage, dignity and discipline to protest peacefully, despite hate-filled taunts, physical shoving and disrespect inspired others to join them.  Persistence by these four show the power of a few who are willing to step out and peacefully demand that they be seen, served, and treated equally and with dignity.

Linda Poston

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