A Common Desire – Susan Shannon

June 17th, 2018

This tour has a full schedule. There are stories I could share from Birmingham, AL and Memphis, TN. Maybe later.

I’m learning of the many layers/stories to the civil rights movement, more names and places than I can count. Visiting with Ernest “Rip” Patton, Jr. and Kwame Pillars in Nashville, TN was amazing. They added yet two more voices to my journey. In addition to the passions and strength displayed by many others and the power of music, their stories brought me to realize the importance of the integration of churches and schools to the movement. With each stop on our journey new people emerged from these places of worship and learning, each with their own personality and strengths. All maintained a common desire and made life choices that affected their personal relationships and socio-economic status. The fact that these men continue the fight through education is inspiring.

Kwame summed it up for me, “freedom is a journey.”