The evening before it all begins

June 9th, 2012

As I sit on the porch of the bed & breakfast in Western Pa my mind starts to think about what’s to come. We are about to embark on Civil Rights journey through the South into the ‘deep south’. I am ready to learn and experience what my forefathers(and mothers) experienced during this ugly, difficult time in our nations history. Racism is something we can’t ignore and its a large part of our history. We need to learn from our mistakes and understand how we can reconcile and truly come together. I’m looking forward to this experience of going with people of different ages and races. Only God knows how this journey will change me and teach me. I thank Messiah College for giving me the opportunity for this experience. My mother & father grew up during this time period, and now I’m ready to see some of what they went through…so I didn’t have to. I’ll keep you updated, and I ask you to keep us in your prayers as we travel many miles!

God Bless

Departure Day

June 6th, 2012

Leaving on a nine day trip, as Princess Joan (my mother) would say, “Wow, you’re going need a lot of outfits”. So I went through my checklist for my duffel bag: enough outfits–check; running sneakers and shoes–check; shampoo, conditioner and all those things a gal needs to keep up appearances–check. As I was going through my checklist, I began to think about all the other things I was bringing with me. Things not on my checklist. Things packed away in the hidden “luggage” compartments of  my mind and heart. Preconceptions–check. My perspective–check. I certainly can’t “unpack” or leave these items behind. They come with me no matter where I go. How will these things shape the next nine days?

As I finished my list I made sure to add two items to the list:open mind–check. Malleable heart–check.

9 days worth of luggage