Things are getting tough

June 14th, 2012

This has been one of the most incredible weeks of my life but it’s also been heartbreaking, exhausting and emotional. This is the biggest roller coaster of emotions I’ve  in this short of a time period. I ask, why were my Black people treated this way? What did we do to deserve such harsh treatment from slavery through the Civil Rights until even today. But in thinking about the Civil Rights movement we were treated worst than dogs. My people want to vote so you beat us, kill us, put us in jail? We have kids that march peacefully for freedom and you jail them, spay them with fire houses and turn police dogs to attack them? A black man looks at a white woman and they were killed for that? And so on and son on! I’ve always known this but this so hard being here and talking to people that fought so hard for the movement. Can you blame me for having moments of anger? How can people say that they are better than me simply because they are white am I’m not? We are all God’s people, not just white people. There is a young white girl on this trip with me that basically told me and a other black woman that she is better than black people and ‘they’ would be more respected and accepted if we acted like her. Those weren’t her exact words but pretty close. Sad thing is she doesn’t even realize how ignorant she sounds.

I know many white people still feel they are better than me because I’m black and they are white. That is the society that we live in. One of my co workers asked last night, why didn’t more whites help the movement. I know all whites were not in agreement with how we were treated but where we’re they? My question is can we come together and white people stand up for us now? There will never be equality in our country until a group of whites take a stand for change. I don’t want to take a stand alone, I want to take a stand together. Together is how we are going to make this country where ‘All men(and women) are created equal’

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