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Archive for May, 2013

Nepal-bound student chooses year of service over Fulbright

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

In early March, just three months from graduation, Malcolm McDermond ’13 found himself in an honorable position. With several opportunities to apply his international experience—and his desire to empower others—McDermond felt torn between prestige and a passion for service.

Like many students, McDermond entered his senior year without a firm plan for the future. His desire to work overseas brought opportunities to teach English, though his passion for agriculture seemed to overshadow this possibility. In November, McDermond received an email from Distinguished Professor of Politics John Harles, who presented McDermond with an intriguing recommendation. Harles urged McDermond to apply for a Fulbright U.S. Student Award to teach English in Malaysia.

“I saw teaching English as a means of empowering people, providing them with the opportunity to enter the global market,” McDermond said.“I remember thinking, ‘I could still do good by doing this.’” (more…)

Messiah College celebrates Commencement with 700 graduates

Monday, May 20th, 2013

On May 18, 49 graduate students and 651 undergraduate students received their degrees during Messiah College’s 104th Commencement. Graduates were greeted at Shoemaker Field by the community of educators and thousands of cheering family members and friends. The total Commencement crowd was estimated at 6,000.

“This is a glorious moment,” said President Kim S. Phipps. “Years of diligent work have led to this milestone; you have reason to celebrate your significant accomplishment. As graduates of Messiah College may you continue to fulfill God’s calling in your lives as you represent the ideals and aspirations of the College’s Christian educational mission.” (more…)

We Heart Messiah: Students recognize donor generosity

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

Generous donors provide every Messiah student with scholarship aid to help reduce the cost of their Christian college experience. Most students know countless financial gifts are given to the College by alumni, parents, community members and long-time friends of the College. Rarely, however, do students gather to publicly thank the many people that enable an affordable Messiah College education.

During the week before finals, Eyas, the student alumni council, and the Office of Annual Giving hosted “We Heart Messiah,” a campus-wide event to give thanks to the generous supporters of the College and its students. The three-day event kicked-off with a block party April 30 at the Larsen Student Union.  Students ate cotton candy, popcorn and delicious cupcakes from the Lancaster Cupcake Truck, a company owned by Jeff,’08, and Emily (Barcklow), ’08, Mitchell. A photo booth gave students the chance to be photographed holding a sign with a reason why they love Messiah College. (more…)

Messiah College dedicates worship and performing arts center

Monday, May 6th, 2013

On Sunday, May 5, a crowd of generous donors, faithful college friends, dedicated public officials and talented students gathered to dedicate the Calvin and Janet High Center for Worship and Performing Arts. The day’s events began with college officials, a student and Calvin and Janet High officially cutting the ribbon to celebrate the completion of the building and its intended purposes of worship and performing arts.

Guests were then invited to a service of thankgiving and worship in Parmer Hall, the hallmark performance space of the new building. The Symphonic Winds, Men’s Ensemble and Women’s Ensemble accompanied the congregational singing of hymns and songs of praise. Theatre students performed a dramatic reading of Ecclesiastes 3 and offered prayers for creativity and imagination.

Following the worship service, the more than 400 guests toured the classroom, rehearsal and performances spaces in the building. A diverse menu of tapas, appetizers and desserts was offered throughout the space.

The dedication concluded with the President’s Concert, an annual event featuring the College’s talented vocal and instrumental ensembles, in the evening.

“It is my heartfelt hope that God will be honored in all events that take place in this space,” President Kim Phipps said of the magnificant building.

 View a photo gallery from the dedication events.