Competition Day

All times are in Morocco, 5 hours ahead of Pennsylvania.

10:00AM- the ICPCLIVE.COM video stream is online.

10:22AM- the teams are entering the competition area.

10:30AM- Messiah College is on the floor, and taking their seats. They are at the close end of the central aisle, on the left.

Marcus, Nathan, and Zachary take their seats for the contest.

Marcus, Nathan, and Zachary take their seats for the contest.

10:46AM- they are making announcements. The contest will start in less than 15 minutes.

11:00AM- the competition has started. It will run for five hours. We will know if/when they solve any of the 13 problems, since this is posted to the scoreboard. But the team is not allowed to communicate with anyone, so we will otherwise not know how they’re doing.

Check out the problem set the teams are working on. There are thirteen problems; each correct solution is worth one point. Ties between teams are determined by how quickly the problems are solved.

11:30AM- Messiah College team has solved a problem, and earned a spot on the scoreboard. Problem A, regarded as a very easy problem, was the right problem to work on first!

12:30PM- Think you can code? Try your hand at these problems at home!

2:25PM- Messiah College team solves a second problem! Problems A and D have been solved by Messiah. Current standing is 113th of 128 teams.

4:00PM- Contest ended. Messiah College team solved two problems (earning two balloons). Final ranking to be revealed sometime in the next few hours.

4:30PM- Oops, one of our balloons has escaped us, and is now resting on the ceiling of the contest arena! Hope that doesn’t count against us ;-).

6:00PM- Final result for Messiah College: 117th place (out of 128 teams).

6:45PM- Final results (top twelve):

  1. St. Petersburg National Research University
  2. Moscow State University
  3. University of Tokyo
  4. Tsinghua University
  5. Peking University
  6. UC Berkeley (USA champion)
  7. University of Zagreb
  8. Charles University in Prague
  9. Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  10. MIT (USA runner-up)
  11. Korea University
  12. University of Warsaw

6:50PM- They just revealed that St. Petersburg NRU solved all thirteen problems during the contest. This is the first time this feat has ever been accomplished at a world finals.

Link to the problem set:

Pictures and info about the team:
2015 Team