Messiah College going to World Finals in Morocco!

As expected, because of our team’s great regional results we have been invited to compete in the World Finals, held in Marrakesh Morocco next May. The team listing has been posted and it looks like only 22 teams from the United States have made the cut, so this is a great honor for Messiah College, being listed among such computer science powerhouses as Carnegie Mellon, MIT, Stanford, and UC Berkeley.

The world finals are being held at the Palmeraie Resort in Marrakesh. This is a golf resort with a number of hotels, restaurants, and swimming pools. Unfortunately there will not be much free time for our students to enjoy the resort, as they will be following a pretty full schedule of activities. Mark your calendars now for the online live video stream of the contest. It will be in the early morning of May 20.

Although the World Finals has a corporate sponsor (IBM) that is paying for all team members’ food and lodging while at the competition, we still need to find a way to get the team there and back. Expected cost of the airplane tickets and incidentals for the team is around $6,000. If you or your company is willing to consider sponsoring Messiah College’s programming team to help us cover these costs, we would welcome that. You can donate online, any amount you care to, and your gift is tax-deductible. Just use this link: