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The Reading Man – Episode 2

April 30th, 2009

Review of Stanley Fish’s provocative “Save the World on Your Own Time”

Should college educators lead students in the pursuit of right thinking with little regard for demonstrating right living?

The Reading Man – Episode 2
Running Time – 06:30

Produced by Katie Manzullo ’10

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Is America truly a Christian nation?

April 17th, 2009

Is America truly a Christian nation? Not likely, according to Richard Hughes, distinguished professor of religion and senior fellow of the Ernest L. Boyer Center at Messiah College. Listen to excerpts of Hughes’ new book, “Christian America and the Kingdom of God“, to draw your own conclusions.

“Christian America and the Kingdom of God”, Episode I
Running Time – 05:55 
“Christian America and the Kingdom of God”, Episode 2
Running Time – 07:20 
“Christian America and the Kingdom of God”, Episode 3
Running Time – 06:58 

Produced by Katie Manzullo ’10

Posted in General Interest | Comments Off on Is America truly a Christian nation?

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