Experimental Biology Conference – Noah Smith

May 12th, 2015

Experiencing the Experimental Biology conference in Boston was the culmination of my undergraduate research career at Messiah. After having presented my research in a couple of other smaller settings, it was exciting to have the opportunity to attend such a large international conference. I had several poster presentation sessions in which I was able to discuss our research findings with a wide range of biology specialties and backgrounds.

It was fascinating to discuss and especially to learn about my own research from people with such diverse expertise. I came away with new perspectives on both ideas that I had thought about relating to my research and topics that had never crossed my mind. 

Noah pictured with his poster.

Noah pictured with his poster.

In addition to presenting my own research, I was able to attend other presentations. Once again I was amazed by the diversity of research and intrigued by the many possible future directions of my own research as I continue my education at Arcadia University to earn my masters in public health and doctor of physical therapy. This conference helped me improve my presentation and critical thinking skills as well as whet my appetite for continuing to participate in research in the future.