91st Annual Pennsylvania Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (PAFCS) – Sarabeth Ganung

May 12th, 2015

The Pennsylvania Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (PAFCS) is an association created with the purpose to improve the quality and standards of individual and family life through programs that educate, influence public policy, disseminate information and publish research findings. This association firmly supports professionals who strive to achieve their purpose as leaders in their communities.

I attended my second PAFCS State Conference this year in Pocono Manor, PA. At the 91st Annual State Conference, I was able to listen to keynote speakers and attend sessions that provided me with new perspectives and strategies to incorporate into my classroom. PAFCS members who are current and retired Family and Consumer Sciences teachers presented in sessions on various types of curriculum, technology in the FCS classroom and mindfulness, to name a few. With so many FCS professionals in one space, it was a great opportunity to network with people from not only Pennsylvania, but also other surrounding states.

Attending a seminar on portion control.

Attending a seminar on portion control.

As a senior FCS major at Messiah, I was provided with the opportunity to speak at the conference during a breakout session. I sat on a panel with my department chair, Dr. Raeann Hamon, and other FCS department chairs and students, to discuss the importance of FCS professionals advocating for our profession and its importance in education. With only two institutions offering Family and Consumer Sciences as an undergraduate degree in Pennsylvania, we focused during our session on the importance of FCS teachers encouraging their students to choose FCS as their major in college. It was a wonderful experience to speak on the panel in a room full of professionals so passionate about our pedagogy.