Messiah University’s Computer Science Club and associated Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) chapter hosted their Spring CTF Night on February 24th. A CTF (Capture-The-Flag) event is a cybersecurity competition in which participants complete cyber-related challenges to find hidden strings of characters, called flags, that they submit to win points.
Our CTF included 24 challenges designed by our club leadership in areas such as cryptography, steganography, password cracking, web server vulnerabilities, and more. Many cybersecurity students participated and got the chance to learn new skills, hang out with friends, and potentially win Cyber Program hoodies!
We are grateful for our collaboration with the Games Club and Cybersecurity Program to provide pizza/snacks and a large group of students excited about this event. We hope to continue hosting a CTF Night each semester in the future and look forward to the events.
This post was written by Grace, a Cybersecurity student and leader of the WiCyS chapter at Messiah. We appreciate Grace’s hard work in spearheading and overseeing this event.