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The Legacy of Joseph Barnabas in Cyprus

Paul's mentor and missionary traveling companion

Total Eclipse of a Full Moon over Cyprus—and history

December 11th, 2011

Saturday night we witnessed from our veranda the total eclipse of a full moon. I set up my camera on a tripod and used my telephoto lens to zoom in on the spectacular event. With great care I took many photos, hoping to chronicle the stages of the eclipse. And not one of the pictures is worth posting on my blog. They are all blurry. Grrrr.

During my time of watching the eclipse, I could not help but notice people scurrying along the streets below CAARI. They all were apparently completely unaware of the rare event occurring right above their heads. Low on the horizon, the full moon was shrouded in the earth’s shadow and then emerged again. But people did not even notice.

How often, I wonder, are we so unaware? We busily go about our lives, focused on our tasks, oblivious to events that are begging to be acknowledged. One does not see a total eclipse of the moon very often. And this one happened early in the evening. We did not even have to get up in the middle of the night to witness it.

History is full of illuminating events if we take the time to notice. During the past three months in Cyprus, I have been shining lights in dark, historical corners, and some fascinating things have been illuminated.  Thursday evening, during a formal lecture at CAARI, I will present the results of my research. Some in the audience will be very displeased to hear my report.

Some of what we assume to be true about history—particularly the history of our own groups—has little or no basis in history. But hearing something different can be very upsetting, because it is so disorienting. As my colleague, Joseph Huffman, told me in a recent email, “Historians are just irritants because they root around in the past and then come back to tell everyone ‘inconvenient truths’ that the past was not always actually as we have chosen to remember it.”

During my time in Cyprus, I have experienced the personal connection that Cypriots have with their cultural history, which is deeply imbedded in Orthodox Christianity. Thursday night, I will point out problems with some common beliefs about Barnabas and the history of Cyprus. I imagine that discussion following the lecture will be animated.

Monday night, at 7:00 PM, a local reporter will interview me about the results of my research. This live, radio interview should prove to be interesting. Perhaps it will generate a larger audience for my lecture on Thursday. Please pray that my work will facilitate productive discussion among Cypriots about the political implications of their perceptions of the history of the island.

Here are two introductory paragraphs in my lecture on Barnabas.

“In the first years of the church, followers of Jesus were nearly all Jews. But that changed with the efforts of men like Barnabas. Change often is difficult, particularly if it involves religious and cultural beliefs. People get angry—sometimes violently so—when someone challenges cherished beliefs. Barnabas was an agent of change. He did not merely argue for maintaining the status quo—the way things always had been.

“Together with Paul, he developed the theological basis for Gentiles being legitimate members of the church without having to obey the laws of Moses. He was a Jew, but he worked with Gentiles. Many Jews considered him a traitor—someone who loved and aided outsiders who had disgusting practices. He was an innovative leader who worked out compromise solutions to difficult theological and cultural issues. Compromise involves the ability to understand and appreciate an opponent’s perspective so that progress can occur on a solution to conflict. Evidently, Barnabas was good at it.”

With respect to immensely important issues concerning the occupied northern part of Cyprus, selective memories and entrenched perspectives make compromise virtually impossible.

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

2 Responses to “Total Eclipse of a Full Moon over Cyprus—and history”

  1. Bob Gorinski Says:

    Would like to hear that lecture, Mike. Wow…radio interview. May God give you wisdom and tact in your presentation.

    RE: the eclipse right over our heads. I can hardly stand the whole People Magazine mentality that prevails around here (and everywhere). A doc at Hershey Med gets a little space in the Patriot news for his strong lead into a cure for cancer, and all we want to talk about is Alec Baldwin getting thrown off a jet.

  2. Patience Nave Says:

    As I aread your comments, I remembered Wallace’s mother in the church in Bowling Green. When the pastor said that the wise men did not arrive on Christmas morning, Mother sat six inches taller in the pew! Her whispered comment was something like, “WHERE did he get that?” She was furious!

    About the eclipse. I could just hear God saying through your words that he is ALWAYS doing things but we are so busy with “stuff” that we don’t notice. I’m trying to teach my children here to watch for what I call “God sightings.” We write their sitings on some lambs that we have and our pasture is getting full of sheep and God sightings! One little boy told me about looking at his father’s face as he carried him out of their burning house. These are almost his exact words: “I didn’t understand at first why he looked so different, and then I realized it was God I saw in my father’s face.” (He’s eleven.)

    I also remember John’s setting up a telescope on the grounds of the school his boys were attending so their science classes could come out and watch a complete eclipse of the sun. He bought a special lens so that they could look without damaging their eyes. Teachers and students looked quickly, said “cool,” and walked away.

    After every class I took advantage of the moment and watched the tongues of fire lap out on the edge of the darkness, amazed at this closeup view of our Fireball that makes our planet habitable! For the students it seemed another day. For me it was a moment to remember forever!


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