How do you want to be remembered?

June 5th, 2019

The 54 mile march from Selma to Montgomery, AL.  Hundreds and thousands of people marched in March 1965 for the Right to Vote.  I thought everyone had the right to vote?   I didn’t learn that only white people were really allowed to vote in the 1960s – did you?

Yesterday we met Lynda Blackman Lowery of Selma, AL who was the youngest marcher (a young teenager) on the Edmund Pettus bridge.  This was the Road  to Freedom and “we shall overcome” was one of the most striking words I remember hearing. Her stories were amazing- tear gas, hit in the back of her head, grabbed by the back of her shirt, and on and on the physical and emotional abuse she took, but thankfully Lynda is here to tell the real story.  She said everyone was taught how to use nonviolence when confronted by opponents of their protests.  Steady, Loving, Confrontation were the words taught by Martin Luther King Jr.

When President Johnson met with Governor Wallace he told him, “how do you want to be remembered?”  This question is good for all of us to think about, not for political or personal gain, but what is right as a Christian, how did you treat others?  We will all be judged when we die and see Our Lord.  What will He say about your life?  So, how do you want to be remembered?


2 Responses to “How do you want to be remembered?”

  1. your Own dedicated server on September 12, 2022 03:26

    your Own dedicated server

    How do you want to be remembered? at 2021 Civil Rights Tour

  2. Marryjohn on August 25, 2023 05:49

    Learning about the brave marchers who fought for the Right to Vote in Selma, AL in 1965 opens our eyes to past injustices. Lynda Blackman Lowery’s stories show how tough and determined they were. The idea of nonviolence, taught by Martin Luther King Jr., reminds us that unity and fairness are powerful.

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