247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition: Chemistry & Materials for Energy – by Lauren Martin

March 31st, 2014

The American Chemical Society’s 247th National Meeting in Dallas was a great opportunity. 

My career goal is to go to graduate school for medicinal research. I would like to obtain my PhD and then research in a lab to find the cure for various diseases. This conference gave me experience in presenting my research and seeing other research topics within the same field. Being able to present my research at a national chemistry meeting gave me the chance to hear feedback on the research I am currently doing. I was able to hear ideas on the progress I have made in research along with ideas for the future of my research. Professors and other researchers approached our poster presentation and asked questions which required an extensive understanding of my project. I had to communicate the ideas of my research in a way that others could understand.  I gained experience in presenting my research, which is a skill I will need in my career. In addition,  I was able to interact with other undergraduate and graduate students and learn about their research. This interaction allowed me to understand new ideas in research and improved my education as a chemist. I attended multiple meetings in medicinal chemistry and organic chemistry. These talks were given by graduate and  PhD researchers.  I was able to relate the information I learned in the meetings to class material and my research. This experience was a highlight of my chemistry education, and it helped me grow as an aspiring research chemist.

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